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Voicing P1 (Position 1) is a staple – an extremely useful voicing that you will use 1,000’s of times in your future jazz piano playing! Though simple, the voicing in its basic form is only the start – it later can be enhanced with color notes such as the 9thand 13th, passing notes such as the 4-3 suspension, and miscellaneous other notes to create expanded 4-5 note voicings. Voicing P1 is commonly used not only in rubato playing but also in other styles such as bossa and swing.

You’ll want to use Pattern P1 along with Voicing P1 (after you have mastered P1 in all keys.) Pattern P1 is a ii-V-I pattern that starts and ends with voicing P1 – please look for other MichMusic Now classes in the Jazz Piano playlist to learn more.

You’ll want to practice this simple voicing until you are 100% confident about finding it quickly at the piano in any key, and with any of the 5 most common chord types: Major 7th, Dominant 7th, Minor 7th, Minor 7th, b5, and Diminished 7th.  Use 3 notes in the right hand and a single note in the left for later transitioning to playing in bossa and swing styles. Down the road the fingering distribution will likely need to shift with the addition of more notes and textures (such as broken chords.)

You can learn much more about Voicing P1 and find exercises in Mich’s book, Jazz Piano Handbook (Alfred Music,) see link below. And be sure to get the (free) PDF DOWNLOAD via the link above.



This book covers Voicing and Pattern P1 (Position 1) in detail with recorded examples, exercises and etudes. Also included: Voicing/Pattern P2, P3, P4, how to play a walking bass line, bossa nova patterns, extensions, textures (such as arpeggios, broken chords, passing notes,) a Glossary with listing of virtually all chord symbols you may come across and what they mean, and more.